Searching for and Using Templates
You can use the following options to search for a template:
Search through your templates by entering one or more keywords in the full-text search and combining it with the search for the criteria Categories, Tags, Format, Output method, and Color if necessary.
Access a template that you used recently.
Mark frequently used templates as favorites and use a favorite.
Search through all your accessible templates using the detailed criteria in the advanced search.
Note that the search in Brand Template Builder can be configured by the system administrator. The searchable properties and their order may therefore change. Contact your system administrator if you have any questions.

Click > Brand Template Builder.
Enter your search criteria.
Press Enter.
Enter additional characteristics in the search criteria if required.
Choose Search for templates.
Select the template that you want to use from the hit list.
Click Create.
For INDD documents only:
A dialog may be displayed where you can specify additional features.
Select the characteristics of the document.
Click Create Document.
For online documents only:
An overview is displayed where you can check if you have selected the correct template.
Click Edit.
The Overview home screen is displayed. Alternatively, you can also perform a search under > Brand Template Builder > Templates.
The results are displayed in a hit list.
Note: Designers may have grouped several templates. Such a group is displayed as a tile in a search result and you can recognize these groups by the fact that only two icons are displayed on the bottom right of the tile, the pen icon and the stack icon . If you are unsure whether the group contains the template you want, click the stack icon. Then an overview is opened, in which all templates of the group are displayed. However, you will not select a template until you click Create in step 7. You are then be guided automatically through all the features.
The document is then opened for editing. Refer to Editing a Document

Click > Brand Template Builder.
Choose Create next to one of the templates.
The Overview home screen is displayed. The Recently Used area displays the last five templates that you used to create a document.
A dialog box may be displayed in which you can define additional characteristics. The document is then opened for editing. Refer to Editing a Document

Click > Brand Template Builder.
The Overview home screen is displayed. The Favorites area displays the last five favorites that you used to create a document.
Choose Create next to one of the templates.
A dialog box may be displayed in which you can define additional characteristics. The document is then opened for editing. Refer to Editing a Document

This action is only valid for INDD and HTML templates.
It is currently not possible to mark an online template as a favorite.
Choose > Brand Template Builder > Manager > Templates > Favorites.
Select the template that you want to use from the hit list.
Click >
> Customize on the template.
All the templates that you have marked as favorites are displayed.
You have created a document that is opened in the customizing wizard. Refer to Editing a Document

This action is only valid for INDD and HTML templates.
It is not possible to find an online template in the advanced search.
> Brand Template Builder > Manager > Templates > Overview > Advanced Search or
> Brand Template Builder > Manager > Templates > Search
Enter the search criteria. For more information, see Templates.
Click Search.
Select the template that you want to use from the hit list.
Click Customize.
The advanced search is displayed.
The results are displayed in a hit list.
You have created a document that is opened in the customizing wizard.